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Membrane structures are three-dimensional spatial constructions consisting of tensioned membranes. Membranes are used structurally in three ways: pneumatic structures, tensile membrane structures, and cable domes. Membranes collaborate with cables, columns, and other building parts to find a shape in these three types of structures.

In principle, the membrane structures can be divided into two main different types: The mechanically pre-tensioned and pneumatically pre-tensioned Structures.


  1. THE MECHANICAL PRE-TENSION delivers, for example, saddle-shaped (anticlastic) surfaces, like pre-tensioned sails.

  2. THE PNEUMATIC PRE-TENSION delivers, for example, air inflated cushions, tubes or air halls with synclastic surfaces in most of areas. Some membranes are supported by single cables or cable nets.

I realized that all membrane structures can be described as secondary structure, stabilized by a so called primary structure. That means, the primary structure made of rigid materials, like steel or wood, doesn’t collapse, when the membrane structure (as secondary structure) is taken away.

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